team tally #000

Sun Sep 15
3m read

Who hasn’t thought about building and publishing an app?

I have at least thought about, started that process but never finished.

Now I’m going to go through this process, build a mobile app from scratch and publish to the app store.

I would like for this app to be a real app and hopefully with some users.

I don’t want to spend too much time on building the app, but I also want to make sure the fundations are good enough to iterate on and last.

I know this might be overkill, but this is also a personal expiremet on how diciplined I can be on following through on the plan. This is also a great expirement for me too see how good I am at estimating and planning. Will be missing some major things?

It would be fantastic to be able to recruit some users to see how the decision I make will pan out.

I know I will make some wrong decisions and it will be great to look back at my reasoning in these writings.

All this I will write for you here to follow along. Please let me know if you have any input!

To help me do this I wil be using Linear and their built-in cycles.

I feel like it is a overengineering to use cycles, one a side project, with only me 😬

But the idea of having to plan tasks on cycles in the future helps me stick to plan and hopefully I can quickly write of tasks that I feel like I don’t need by simply removing them from my cycle.

There are loads of other things I like about linear, but let’s talk about that later 🤫

I’ll use these posts to write my public ‘changelog’/releasa notes - Here I will discuss some updates, decisions and what is upcoming!

I will use Expo to build the mobile app and Supabase as the database.

The first cycle is all about prep work and planning. These tasks migh seem minor and not important so early in the porcess. But I feel like it will be nice to have some of them out of the way. And by leveraging the cycles I set myself a tight time frame to finish these tasks.

  • - Set up an expo project
  • - Set up github repo
  • - Set up mobile emulator
  • - Decide color theme
  • - Wireframes for the app screens
  • - Decide on design system
  • - Set up database schema

The first cycle begins tomorrow. Look forward to hear from you when it is over!